Xiamen JieJing Biology Technology Co.,Ltd.

Natural Herbal Extract

Octacosanol Policosanol

Octacosanol Policosanol
Natural Herbal Extracts

Octacosanol Policosanol

Octacosanol Policosanol Description: Octacosanol PolicosanolAssay: NLT 98% Policosanol10%-90% OctacosanolMolecular Formula: C28H58O Molecular Weight: 410. 76 CAS #: 557-61-9Policosanol is a mixture of primary long-chain aliphatic(non-ring) alcohols. The main ingredient in poli......

Octacosanol Policosanol Detail

Known As: Octacosanol Policosanol

Octacosanol Policosanol

Assay: NLT 98% Policosanol
10%-90% Octacosanol
Molecular Formula: C28H58O
Molecular Weight: 410. 76
CAS #: 557-61-9
Policosanol is a mixture of primary long-chain aliphatic(non-ring) alcohols. The main ingredient in policosanol is octacosnaol, but as the name implies, Sometimes, a little amount of individual alcohol like Heptacossanol and Nonocosanol exists in waxes. But in general, effective components can be analyzed including Tetracosanol, Hexacosanol and Dotriacontanol. Policosanol is a group of active compounds composed of predominantly five higher primary aliphatic alcohols-tetracosanol, hexacosanol, octacosanol, triacontanol and dotriacontanol.

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Natural Herbal Extracts

Natural Herbal Extracts

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Herbal Extract COA

Certificate of Analysis

Resveratrol 98% - 09/01/2009

Water Soluble Curcumin E=60 - 08/21/2009

Dehydrated Tamarind Extract - 08/06/2009

Chitosan Acid Soluble - 08/19//2009

Water Soluble Chitosan - 08/19/2009

Rutin 95% - 08/28/2009

Rutin 98% - 08/28/2009

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