Xiamen JieJing Biology Technology Co.,Ltd.

Natural Herbal Extract

Turmeric Yellow Colour

Turmeric Yellow Colour
Natural Colors

Turmeric Yellow Color

Turmeric Yellow Colour Description: Natural food color. Turmeric yellow is refined from the root of the plant Curcuma Longa L. Ethanol soluble. Orange-yellow powder. The anti-heat is good and the anti-light is general. Good coloring ability. Application to chewing gum, pastry......

Turmeric Yellow Colour Detail

Known As: Turmeric Yellow Color

Natural food color. Turmeric yellow is refined from the root of the plant Curcuma Longa L.
Ethanol soluble. Orange-yellow powder.

The anti-heat is good and the anti-light is general. Good coloring ability.
Application to chewing gum, pastry, the seasoning can, ice cream, bread, pastry, butter and similar products and so on.

It appears golden-yellow at lower PH 7and salmon pink to red at above PH 7.
Color Value E1%1cm 425nm: More than 1450 (content more than 95%).

The use and production technology introduced

Natural Colors

Natural Colors

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Xiamen JieJing Biology Technology Co.,Ltd.

Tel : (86)592 8238993

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Email : Service@hcban.com

Herbal Extract COA

Certificate of Analysis

Resveratrol 98% - 09/01/2009

Water Soluble Curcumin E=60 - 08/21/2009

Dehydrated Tamarind Extract - 08/06/2009

Chitosan Acid Soluble - 08/19//2009

Water Soluble Chitosan - 08/19/2009

Rutin 95% - 08/28/2009

Rutin 98% - 08/28/2009

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